The power of health and wellness creator marketing: 15 examples

July 22, 2020
Kaleigh Moore
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Customer behavior is constantly evolving, and if there’s one thing you should have in mind to keep up the pace, it’s this: be wherever your customers are. 

And guess what? They’re online, scrolling through social media for hours. 

According to the eMarketer forecast, by 2022 adults in the US will spend as much as four hours and 26 minutes on their smartphones every day. Much of that time will be spent on social media. 

This behavioral shift presents a real opportunity for less-intrusive forms of marketing that customers actually enjoy and engage with. One of them is creator marketing. 

Does Creator Marketing Really Work?

You might be thinking: “Okay, but does influencer marketing really work?”

The numbers show that customers trust content creators; especially niche content creators that build relationships with their followers, have conversations with them, and understand what they want and like from them material-wise.

Data from Adweek shows that 49.3% of customers made a purchase based upon an content creator's recommendation and that 44.2% generally trust recommendations from them.

In short: Finding a way to fit influencer marketing into your overall marketing strategy can pay dividends in the long run. 

“Brands that excel in influencer marketing all understand one thing: it's that influencer marketing isn't the final piece of the puzzle, but rather the one that can jumpstart a brand's overall marketing initiatives. Successful brands leverage influencers to become content creators, affiliates, and develop programs to introduce the influencers to their brands so they can become the loudest spokespeople for the brand.” - Jason Wong, influencer marketing expert at

Why Do Consumers Trust Health and Wellness Creators?

When it comes to creator marketing, some niches find more success than others. Why is that? 

For some content creators, social media is a way to share their ways of life and the things they truly believe in. Followers recognize this as authentic, genuine content -- and they’re drawn to it. Authenticity is extremely important in the health and wellness niche.

Let’s dive in and look at five specific reasons followers trust content creators in the health and wellness space. 

1. They share the same values

People prefer to follow content creators that share their values, and in the health and wellness space, that means following content creators who view these two things as a way of life (not a one-off topic.) Because of this, when audiences see these authentic creators promote a product, it doesn’t feel fake or forced -- and they can trust the recommendation is one the content creator has tried and liked.

“Given the diverse business offerings in the health and wellness space, there’s rarely a one-size-fits-all approach to influencer marketing for these brands. However, one thing the best brands have in common is an awareness of how closely the brand’s values match the influencers they work with. A majority of influencers in this space built their community based on an honest approach to empower others to seek ways to improve their quality of life. Consumers want to see people actively using the products and referencing the benefits they’ve already had as opposed to benefits they might receive. This makes niche, micro-influencers a great choice as their engagement and interaction with their followers is often more intimate.” -Jordie Black,  Creator marketing expert at Copy and Check

2. They engage their audience

People that follow content creators in the health and wellness space do so partly because they want to feel like they’re part of a community that’s interested in sharing and talking about these topics. This is why you should look for content creators that have a strong connection with the community they’ve built and that regularly engage with their audience. Data shows that engagement rate is one of the top three reasons brands look at when selecting content creators to partner with.

Image source

3. They’re trendsetters

Another reason people love health and wellness influencers: they’re always one step ahead of the trends and know what will soon be popular. They tirelessly test new products, methods, and habits to boost their physical and mental energy (and then share the best finds with their audience members.) Creating quality content is their full-time job, and fueled by their creativity, they often provoke new trends or discover them before they’re widespread.

This is critical for successful partnerships, as data from Matter Communications shows 48% of consumers are interested in seeing content creators post about health and wellness. Plus: The same research showed health and wellness is among the top three categories in which consumers are most likely to act on creator marketing content.

4. They’re seen as trusted experts

Followers trust content creators that practice what they preach. The knowledge and real enthusiasm for a product, brand, or industry, are the two top reasons Gen Z and Millennials make a purchase based on a content creator’s recommendation. Giving them the freedom to create authentic content can bring great results for the companies that incorporate creator marketing in their strategy. 

"If you want to last in health and wellness, influencers have to tell a genuine story. The best brands understand that everyone has a different perspective, a different aesthetic, a different audience - and each unique story adds to a growing web of ownership among otherwise fragmented customer segments. Give your influencers just a touch of direction, and then give them the creative license to tell their own stories. It will be more authentic and reach people in ways you'd never even thought of."- William Harris, CEO of the D2C ecommerce advertising agency Elumynt

5. They have diverse content and multiple channels

Unlike in some industries, health and wellness content creators often build out an array of content for different platforms. For example, they may have more than one social media channel (like Instagram + YouTube + Twitter) where they share their knowledge and passion for a healthy lifestyle. Some of the best content creators in this niche are committed to creating blog posts, videos, tutorials, and ebooks that they share across their various channels -- which creates opportunities for added reach to different audiences, more exposure, and varied content formats.

Health and Wellness Creator Marketing: 15 Examples

So who is doing this well right now? We pulled together 15 different examples to show you exactly how different brands and organizations are using health and wellness creators as inspiration for your own creator marketing efforts.

1. Demand More for Migraine speaks to people who struggle with migraines 

The last couple of months have been stressful for everyone due to the outbreak and the overall shift in the way of living. Demand More for Migraine partnered with creator @venturetravelist to share free tools and resources and help people that are struggling with migraines. 

Creator @venturetravelist shares free tools and resources from Demand More for Migraine to help people dealing with migraine

2. Dairy Farmers of Canada reminds about the importance of nutrition for the ones with an active lifestyle

The best way to spread the message to active people that care about their wellbeing is to partner with someone like @marcwebster, an outdoor enthusiast that creates visually stunning content. In one of his videos in partnership with Dairy Farmers of Canada, he spreads the message of how important it is to get the energy and nutrition you need, while also showing the beautiful Canadian scenery. This post was intended to raise awareness during Nutrition Month.

Creator @marcwebster promotes Nutrition Month with Dairy Farmers of Canada

3. Lazarus Naturals CBD speaks to runners that are going the extra mile (in every sense) 

Runners and hikers know the pain of leg cramps all too well. That’s why Lazarus Naturals CBD teamed up with creator @sugar.and.spots to share a solution for a long run recovery and offer a 20% discount for their products. The only way to convey the message in the right way is to send it through someone that has been through the same situation and can share genuine advice.  

Creator @sugar.and.spots talks about how Lazarus Naturals CBD helps ease tension and pain after a long run

4. Hydrant emphasizes the importance of hydration 

We often forget how important it is to stay hydrated, especially during summer. Hydrant partnered with @fashionmeetsritu to remind people that being hydrated and energetic throughout the day can be fun and taste good. There’s even a discount code to incentivize purchases. Plus: putting some extra work in creating an attention-grabbing post is always worth it. 

Creator @fashionmeetsritu shows people how to stay hydrated with Hydrant

5. Pukka Herbs captivates emotion with a message everyone can relate to 

Those couple of minutes you have for yourself in the morning can make all the difference. Creator @robynyoukilis talks about her morning ritual when she’s having a Pukka Herbs tea that helps her prepare for the long day ahead. The post offers a smart tip on how to squeeze in meditation in your routine while waiting for the water to boil for your morning tea. Trying to find a way to get some me-time is something that every mom can relate to.

Creator @robynyoukilis shows her morning routine with Pukka Herbs

6. Canadian Blood Services raises awareness of the need for regular blood donations

To help raise awareness, Canadian Blood Services have partnered with @shortpresents to encourage people to donate blood during the National Blood Donor Week. Leading by example is the best way to spread the message and advise people that are interested in becoming blood donors but are not sure how to make an appointment. What makes this post special is that the creator is sharing a personal story on how meaningful blood donation is rather than just transmitting the information.

Creator @shortpresents encourages people to donate blood to the Canadian Blood Services

7. Women’s Best leverages fitness influencers preparing for a workout 

We all know the struggle before going to workout. Women’s Best teamed up with gym and fitness creator @johannaolinemodin to show that mentally preparing for an intense workout is much easier with their pre-workout drink. Wrapping up the caption with a question sparks conversation and boosts engagement. 

Creator @johannaolinemodin shows Women’s Best pre-workout drink in action

8. Hello Fresh promotes eco-friendly habits

Reducing food waste and recycling product packaging are just some of the sustainable habits for eco-friendly living. Hello Fresh partnered with @fitfatandallthat to speak up about the importance of supporting eco-conscious brands. The creator shares the mouth-wateringly inviting meal prepared with the pre-portioned ingredients. Plus: A $60 coupon code and free shipping encourage people to get a box and make some delicious meals themselves.

Creator @fitfatandallthat supports eco-friendly brands like Hello Fresh

9. Perfect Bar offers a healthy snack to spice up daily rituals 

Those long, tempting quarantine days were the perfect excuse for an unhealthy snack. Is there any alternative? Perfect Bar teamed up with @georgiemorley to show that no matter if you’re stuck at home, or you’re just enjoying your daily ritual, replacing your unhealthy snacks with a healthy and tasty bar will make you feel much better. This post does a nice job of showing the authenticity of the content creator. Without too much editing and filters, this is something that it’s easy to relate to.

Creator @georgiemorley enjoying the day with a Perfect Bar snack

10. Native speaks to moms with busy schedules 

Creator @notummymommy shared her excitement about using the aluminum and paraben-free deodorant from Native. Beyond sharing a promo code for 33% off, this post does an excellent job of providing a product recommendation about which scent customers should try. Beyond showing just the product, the content creator shares a story both through the caption and the images, working out at home with her kids. 

Creator @notummymommy shows Native product in use while working out at home

11. Dr. McDougall's Right Foods shares healthy recipes made with their products

Eating more healthy is on everyone's New Year resolution list. To leverage on this trend, Dr. McDougall's Right Foods teamed up with food blogger @thefullhelping to share a healthy recipe with the audience and organize a giveaway. The post spotlights the most significant benefits of Dr. McDougall's Right Foods products, as well as stores where you can find them. This is also a great example of how you can strategically target specific diets like vegan and gluten-free using hashtags.

Creator @thefullhelping shares a healthy recipe using the Dr. McDougall's Right Foods products

12. Primal Kitchen leverages on a nutrition course launch to promote its products

Health and wellness influencers invest a lot of time and knowledge in creating valuable content for their audience. Primal Kitchen partnered with @bewellbykelly to organize a giveaway on the day of launching her nutrition course. This is another way to reach your target audience and get more social media followers. Besides tagging their friends in comments, people are also leaving their email address to enter the giveaway, so this post does a great job at driving engagement but also building a solid mailing list for future marketing efforts. 

Creator @bewellbykelly partnered with Primal Kitchen to organize a giveaway

13. TrendSavvy uses health and wellness creators to promote a sale 

Creator @dominique.baker shared a video of her morning workout routine while promoting the superdry outfit from TrendSavvy. Influencers often get questions about their workout sets, so TrendSavvy used this opportunity to promote its Memorial Day sale. In this one-minute video, the content creator presents a few exercises, while also showing the activewear in action. 

Creator @dominique.baker shows Trend Savvy’s activewear in action

14. iHerb encourages people to take care of their health with vitamins 

For many people taking the necessary vitamins daily can be daunting. iHerb partnered with creator @moderndaygf to share her thoughts on the importance of vitamins for health, but also all the things to have in mind when choosing the right products. In the caption, the creator shares her personal struggle with low vitamin D and encourages followers to try the gummy vitamins, using her discount code.

Creator @moderndaygf partnered with iHerb to share her tips on choosing the right vitamins

15.MaisonJacynthe addresses the importance of skincare while wearing a face mask

With the new normal, a face mask has become a part of our outfit. However, many people struggle with skin irritations. MaisonJacynthe partnered with @qingaling to promote their 100% natural, active, vegan, and cruelty-free skincare and wellness products. The creator shares her personal favorite that nourishes irritated skin. To boost engagement, they organized a giveaway of a MaisonJacynthe skincare bundle.

Creator @qingaling uses MaisonJacynthe products to nourish irritated skin from wearing a face mask

Creator Marketing for Health and Wellness is All About Keeping it Real

Leveraging the voices of health and wellness content creators can help brands reach their target audience with messages they can trust. If you’re in this niche, consider adding Creator marketing to your long-term strategy. You might be surprised by the results. 

Ready to step-up your creator marketing game with creative content creators? Let’s talk.

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