How the ledidi berry, AKA Nature’s Wild Berry, changed a life

October 17, 2022
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In Hank Watt’s 20s his parents were diagnosed with cancer within 18 months of each other.

Going through that taught him that if you don’t have your health, you don’t have a lot to look forward to.

Hank knew it was time for him to make a change. At 250 pounds and a size 40+, he was tired of making excuses for himself. Hank turned to his friend Juliano, who owned Planet Raw, a health food restaurant, for help. If anyone was going to help Hank, it’d be Juliano.

Juliano ordered these red berries that Hank never ate before that promised to turn sour and tarty food sweet. After trying a berry, Hank took a sip from a healthy juice and couldn’t believe it—it was so sweet! Hank then started drinking this same juice every day and eventually lost 60 pounds in eight months.  

Since then, Juliano and Hank decided to take that special berry and turn it into a business! Their goal is to now raise awareness about the non-gmo organic ledidi berry that they now call Nature’s Wild Berry. They aim to help people cut sugar and processed foods and increase their love of vegetables and whole foods using ledidi berries.

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