Chris Meade and how CROSSNET is creating a new sports category

September 6, 2022
Ian Leslie
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Chris Meade is not only marketing a product, he's creating a new sport!

Through CROSSNET he's brought 'four square' to volleyball, soccer and pickleball; and he's done it all without raising venture money.

CROSSNET products are now sold in Dick's Sporting Goods and TARGET among others and it's even been featured on ESPN.

Chris and his brother, Greg, are the products of a small town in Connecticut. The brothers and a childhood friend were tired of the rat race, so they found something they were passionate about and dumped their savings and 401Ks into it.

"We had a doomsdays board. If it hit zero (dollars) we were going back to our real jobs. Thank god it only went as low as $400 at one point."
- Chris Meade

Chris spoke to BANKNOTES editor in chief Ian Leslie on how CROSSNET got its start, lessons learned, and what the future holds. He also talked about why he's chosen to be so active across social media in sharing his business lessons with other entrepreneurs, and doing it in a way that avoids the typical 'thoughtboi' trappings.

"There's not many founders out there that are spending time to educate others. Am I right on everything? No! I make so many mistakes, but at least I  share my mistakes ... So if I could help one person a day not make a mistake, or think about things differently it's worth my time."

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