Want a positive creator marketing program? Do this first.

November 26, 2021
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Stumped on how to run a kickoff call for your creator marketing program? Look no further! Follow along as we cover the 5 topics to include in your call to help you succeed…

But first, what is a kickoff call?

A kickoff call for your creator marketing program is a meeting that introduces the topic of your campaign. This meeting will outline all the details of the campaign and how the campaign will be organized. This is important because it serves as a roadmap for the campaign to ensure that every goal is achieved and the target is hit. 

6 topics to cover in your program kickoff call

  1. Intros

Starting your calls off on a strong, positive note can set the tone for the rest of your meeting. One way to do this is to introduce everyone and ask each team member to say their name and role in the company. This will ensure that everyone knows who each person is and what they do.

Another good way to start on a positive note is to do a small icebreaker. Have each person pair up and ask their partner a series of questions. When the time is up, get each person to present to the group what they learned about their partner. This activity will encourage team members to learn something about each other and communicate. 

“An activity or ice breaker at the beginning of a meeting is a timeless way to connect participants. In a virtual world, beginning meetings with an icebreaker is a first step to reintroducing small talk.” - Bob Frisch and Cary Greene, Harvard Business Review Contributors. 
  1. Purpose of the campaign

Remember in high school when your teachers taught you to relate the body of your essay to the thesis statement? Well in a creator marketing program call, relating your call to the purpose of your campaign is the same idea!

Outlining the purpose of the campaign at the beginning of the kickoff call will ensure that all of the attendees have a clear understanding of why you are calling the meeting in the first place and what to expect as the conversation continues. 

  1. Program goals

During a kickoff call for your creator marketing program, the next important thing to do is to outline your program goals and expectations. Setting goals and expectations for your creators will help run a successful campaign and foster accountability. This includes discussing what key metrics you are hoping for, what content will perform best for your campaign, foreseen obstacles, and which target market you are aiming for. 

Additionally, it is important to take suggestions from the creators. After all, they are creators, so they’re most likely creative! According to Harvard Business Review, “A large number of empirical studies confirm that positive social connections at work produce highly desirable results.” So, taking suggestions from the creators will help build a good relationship between you and them, fostering productive work. 

Pro tip: “Only choose from creators who reach your target market.” 

  1. Approach 

After you have outlined your goals, it’s important to outline how you will achieve these goals. Here are a few things to consider and cover during your kickoff meeting:

  • How often will you check-in?
  • How and where will you track your progress?
  • How will you track your metrics?
  • How will you generate advertisements? 

Approaches to consider include:

  • Communicate with your creators
  • Set reminders for live content
  • Share and ask for feedback
  • Create a content schedule 
  • Create an advertisement schedule 
  • Record which creators had the biggest impact for future campaigns 
  1. Questions

Leaving time for a Q&A session is always important. This will ensure that everyone understands the details about the campaign and how to achieve the set goals and expectations. This will also foster accountability by providing team members with an opportunity to ask for clarification if needed. 

Additionally, writing down these questions in the meeting agenda will serve as a resource to look back on. This is beneficial for people who could not attend the call as they may have the same questions. 

It is also important to create a psychologically safe environment to encourage team members to ask questions and share their ideas without fear of judgment. This can be achieved by building trust with team members and fostering an accepting and welcoming workplace.

“Research has shown that expressing vulnerability and asking for help is a strong signal to others that you are trusting, and you’re more likely to be trusted in return.” - John Hagel, Harvard Business Review Contributor. 
  1. Proposed next steps

The final step to running a kickoff call for your creator marketing program is to outline the next steps. Assigning action items will ensure that each member has a role and is accountable for their responsibilities. 

When assigning action items, be sure to be as clear as possible to avoid confusion. It is important to include who the action items are assigned to, a clear idea of the task, and a due date for the task. As the campaign owner, you should also set yourself or somebody else responsible for checking in on the action items. This will ensure that productive progress is being made.  

By putting these action items on the meeting agenda, team members can also refer back to them in the future to help remind them of what their responsibilities are. 

According to Paul Axtell, Harvard Business Review contributor, 

“Don’t automatically default to your next meeting date as the completion date for each action item. Choose a date that makes sense to the project and creates a sense of urgency.”

Parting advice

Stop procrastinating and start acting… Set your team up for success by implementing these five topics to ensure a successful campaign meeting. Taking the time to create an organized meeting will lead to efficient use of time and greater results! Bonus: you’ll create a collaborative environment where the team can contribute and be aware of their impact. 

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